Please Stop, You Must Stop: Protecting Your Mental Space
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

Please Stop, You Must Stop: Protecting Your Mental Space

Success isn’t about watching others fail; it’s about learning, growing, and building something of your own. If we can redirect the time and energy spent on negativity into something positive, imagine the world we could create. Let’s stop feeding into the fall of others and start climbing our mountains.

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Why You Shouldn't Respond to Negativity
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

Why You Shouldn't Respond to Negativity

Negativity is simply a waste of time. Don't engage with it. Don't let it take up space in your mind or your life. Instead, focus on what truly matters: your productivity, goals, and success. The more you do that, the more you'll realize how powerful a positive, focused mindset can be.

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