A Secret Power Is Being Prepared

One of the things that people of power and success will tell you is that being prepared and doing the prep work is very important. Many people start their day by trying to plan their day. They are already behind. You should plan for your day the day before. Planning your day takes you a few hours to get ramped up, which means you have already wasted valuable productivity time on just planning.


Several productivity experts will tell you that planning for the day before is the key to success. In my quest to lose weight and become healthier, I found doing all my prep work on Sundays very valuable. I cooked all my lunches and breakfast beforehand, so they were microwave ready. Sticking to my diet was easy when the prep work was done beforehand. Many people watch football. The coaches already have a game plan of what plays they will run based on the situation; it's a script. It combines at least five to seven days of prep work.


This is the time of year when I go through my blueprint for success and my major definite purpose and plan for 2023 to 2024. We have a mastermind meeting every Saturday morning on the last two Saturday mornings of the year. If it is not a holiday, we talk about our primary definite purpose and commitment to that significant definite purpose. All of the research and everything started in October 2022, so by the 28th of December 2023, I am fully ready to take on 2023 and 2024. I know what I need to do that make adversity less stressful.


Careful Where You Get Your Advice