Arrogance Versus Confidence

I belong to several social media groups to get a great perspective on many subjects. I would have to say the one that intrigues me the most is the group on the law. Recently I was browsing a group of people who were upset with people with perceived arrogance. What makes a person arrogant: the dictionary calls arrogance an "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride." the dictionary also says that confidence is belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance. There is a very fine line between those two definitions.


Many people call you arrogant to keep you from being confident. They even use words like alpha as a negative. A self-confident person will often offend the uninitiated and undoubtedly offend people with low self-esteem. A person with confidence does not mean that this person is an extrovert. There are many people I know there are introverts but very self-confident. Sometimes I feel we have forgotten the traditional meaning of being confident. The route to being confident has a positive mental attitude. Some people are like crabs in a bucket and despise anyone with a positive mental attitude and confidence. I would say that it sounds like a YOU problem to people like that.


To appease some of these people with confidence, we'll humble ourselves by apologizing for being confident. Unfortunately, it's getting so bad that the apology for being confident doesn't sound genuine because a person with confidence shouldn't have to apologize for their positive outlook or self-assuredness. Once you become self-confident, remember your self-confidence is for you only, not for anyone else, and not for you to use against anyone else. That is arrogance.


The Power Of Positive Thoughts


Careful Where You Get Your Advice