Drifting Is Causing Your Success to Stall
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

Drifting Is Causing Your Success to Stall

Drifting is a dangerous state of mind that can cause success to stall and distract us from achieving our goals. However, we can avoid drifting and stay on track toward success by developing a clear vision, taking responsibility for our lives, and cultivating discipline and consistency.

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Breaking Away from A Toxic Relationship
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

Breaking Away from A Toxic Relationship

Separating yourself from a toxic relationship can be incredibly difficult, but the rewards are worth it. You'll experience a sense of freedom, positive mental health, increased confidence, and the ability to build healthier relationships in the future.

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Dating Preferences and Standards Goes Both Ways
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

Dating Preferences and Standards Goes Both Ways

We all have unique tastes and qualities we look for in a potential partner, whether physical attributes, personality traits, or shared interests. However, it's important to remember that the people we are trying to date may also have their own set of likes and criteria, and in their mind, we may not qualify in their dating world.

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An Affair Is Expensive, and it’s Not Worth It
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

An Affair Is Expensive, and it’s Not Worth It

Infidelity can also lead to a decreased income. For example, if one partner contributed to the household income and their affair resulted in job loss, their income would drop significantly.

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The Power Of Positive Thoughts
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

The Power Of Positive Thoughts

Moreover, positive thinking can lead to more fulfilling relationships. When we approach interactions with others positively and open-mindedly, we are more likely to build strong connections and resolve conflicts healthily.

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A Secret Power Is Being Prepared
Jerold Jackson Jerold Jackson

A Secret Power Is Being Prepared

I found doing all my prep work on Sundays very valuable. I cooked all my lunches and breakfast beforehand, so they were microwave ready. Sticking to my diet was easy when the prep work was done beforehand

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